Adoptee websites, blogs, and podcasts

The websites, blogs, and podcasts are all adoptee-led and/or hosted, and are listed for your information. I do not actively read, listen, or follow all of these folk, so I probably missed some. Please contact me if you have suggestions for additional links.

Adoptee Podcasts:

Some of these are current and others do not have recent episodes. These podcasts are all hosted by adoptees.

Adoptee Blogs: 

Followers from my old site were familiar with the very long list of adoptee blogs, but it was difficult to maintain the list for currency. On this page I have listed only the blogs that I read and are updated, at least somewhat frequently, or older blogs and websites that I find the content is important even if they are not being updated frequently.


This list is of organizations by and for adoptees, or that have a main focus on adoptees. Many of these are closed to the particular group.

General groups for adoptees

South Korea:





American Indian/Native American/First Nations/Alaska Native:

African/African American:





Please let me know in the comments section if you know of a blog or website I should include.